

What we do


We apply a bespoke, finely calibrated approach to fine wine distribution. We haven’t necessarily followed the path of the traditional distributor; we have forged our own way.

We have two separate fine wine distribution companies with their own sales and marketing teams and wine portfolios. They are called red+white and Mezzanine.

They are like siblings. Friendly and collaboratively, yet they can be highly competitive when they have to be, especially to protect and grow their own wine brands.

They have similar beliefs and values, but each evolving to be different, as a result of their own unique circumstances.

  Having two separate wine portfolios and teams plays to our brand building ethos.

We have more capability and better able to deliver our winery partners brand objectives by having two separate companies.

  Mezzanine and red+white collaborate when it makes sense, importantly by utilising the same extensive service platform.

Personal, efficient, reliable service is what we are known for and what our customers expect.

We provide 18 degrees temperature-controlled warehousing nationally, critical for the storage of fine wine.

We have a digital ordering portal called “Winesource” that is simple to use and powerful, that works in tandem with our customer service team.

  We’re ready for our customers’ orders 24/7

We are constantly investing in our service platform and our Joval team to remain at the cutting edge.

We see our main task is to foster a close connection, relationship, and a knowledge of what our customers want. At the same time act as brand builders for our wineries.

We act as a key member of the sales and marketing team of each of our winery partners. We are their on the ground representatives.

We consider our wineries our partners. Their success is our success.

We work carefully to put our wines into the right hands, where they will be most enjoyed. This is the best way to build their popularity. It’s one reason we focus so much on restaurants. They are so important in promoting our wines to consumers. They are the life of our cities we live in, and we are proud to be an important part of what they do.

  We sell into all channels, carefully calibrating placement of our wines between restaurants, retail, hotels and clubs.

If you are interested in deep diving into each of our two distribution companies, red+white and Mezzanine, continue reading.



red+white is the company where it all started in 1963.

It’s name has changed from Dorado Distributors, Fesq Dorado & Co, FD&C Wine and now red+white.Each name change marks a significant step in our journey.

Our portfolio is comprehensive and carefully calibrated. It includes only wines we admire and believe in.

We now operate in every state in Australia and have a partnership in New Zealand which is called red+white Cellar. We sell our wines into every channel where fine wine is sold.

Our aim is to ensure we achieve the full potential of each winery we represent and at the same time offer our customers a comprehensive wine.





  We have been involved with many of our wineries from the very start of their journey. We proudly play our part in building our wines into important, highly sought after wine brands.

The symbol is integral to who we are and what we do. We are the link between our people, our winery partners and ultimately our customers. Our logo, talks to this connection.

The symbol also proudly promotes our company central aim and mission to add value to our people, to our customers and winery partners.


In winemaking, a delicate balance emerges between craft and human touch. Our portfolio invites you into this world, where each sip reflects the dedication of those who create these beautiful wines.

From Tuscany’s sun-kissed hills to the Barossa Valley’s rich terrain, our wines embody tradition and innovation. With meticulous care, grapes are nurtured, harvested, and transformed into expressions of terroir. It’s a labour of love, guided by generations past.

Open a bottle and embark on a journey celebrating the fusion of craft and human spirit. Here, in every glass, lies the essence of our timeless connection to the vine.

Cheers to craftmanship and legacy.
Thank you for your loyal support that allows us to bring these wines to you.

We’re the younger sibling of red+white. We share the same great service platform and a love of wine and brands – but we’ve also forged our own path, with our own distinct portfolio of wines and our team of wine specialists.


Mezzanine started as a kind of experiment with us backing one talented person who then was free to assemble a selection of a few relatively unknown brands that he believed in.

Our approach hasn’t changed much from then, with each state managed by trusted individuals who have autonomy. They come together, when necessary, as one, but we encourage a tailored approach to suit each different market.

We merged with The Fine Wine Specialist, a Sydney based distributor in 2011 and as a result, we took on some special people and wine brands.

We now represent an eclectic mix of passionate winemakers each with unique wines and stories to tell.

Over time we have seen many of our once-obscure wine brands grow into some of the most highly regarded, popular wine brands available.

More recently, we have partnered with some established, iconic wine brands, who have decided to join us because they’ve seen something special in the way we operate and want to be part of it.

 We are shaped by our people, our unique journey, and wines.

From humble beginnings we are now a unique mix of young, up and coming wines as well as classic, highly regarded wines, that compliment and add value to each other. We could say very similar things about our special team of people.




After making and selling wine for over 50 years, and selling wine glasses for over 30, we decided 13 years ago that it was time to start our own wine glass company.

Designed in Melbourne, manufactured in Europe, Plumm is the only wine glass brand owned and run by a wine company.

Wine is complicated, wine glasses shouldn’t be. Rather than a separate glass for every wine variety, our glasses are designed for particular styles of wine, from full bodied to light and sparkling. If you want it even simpler and prefer to use just one glass, we’ve designed elegant universal wine glasses. One glass to suit all wine styles.

  Plumm is now sold in over 1600 restaurants in Australia and NZ and over 100 wineries. It’s sold in over 11 countries throughout the world.

How and why we do it


Wine connects us to the land, places and the journey of our lives. Wine is something that you often share with family and friends, usually with a meal. It often marks a celebration or a significant event in our lives.

A bottle of wine is waiting patiently to be opened in the hope it makes a moment special. From the stories of the wine, its colour, aroma and flavour in the glass, being enjoyed in between conversations and laughter.

  Is there a more beautiful drink that says as much as a good glass of wine?

It is especially rewarding to work with a product in which there are so many elements that are important, yet not one that is the sole reason that defines it.

 When it works the pieces all seem to fit. It’s seamless and feels so natural. Everyone with an important role to play regardless of how different their roles might be.

We are the distribution partner of many family wineries from throughout the world. Our customers come from all walks of life; most are also family owned. Every vintage, every wine is unique. What seems to connect us all is we are passionate and love what we do.

We are proudly an important part of a close community, our wineries, our people, and our customers.

  Each year vintage rolls over and every single product we sell changes. We thrive on this challenge.


We’ve consciously and collectively built a culture that’s central to who we are and how we like to work. It’s an approach where great results are important but how we achieve those results is of equal importance.

We’re geared to succeed and grow but also to having fun on the journey, in an environment that’s both stimulating and inspiring.

We love to win and often do, but never by sacrificing our values.

We genuinely care for our customers, winery partners, our team mates and ourselves.

If you’re keen to find out more, and what we think really sets us apart, continue reading.

Trust & Integrity

Straight Talking...

  Trust is not a given. We earn trust through our actions. This is why we like straight talking.

In order to build trust, we give and expect to receive professional, constructive and continuous feedback from everyone across the organisation, regardless of what position they hold in the company, even if it’s uncomfortable to do so.

We want open conversation. It’s not about what people want to hear, it’s about what we think is right. It’s also about questioning decisions or actions that we think might detrimentally impact the business, or our integrity, regardless of who’s responsible or their position in the company.

Empathy & Respect

Not me, Not you, Us...

  All our people, regardless of their role in the business, are treated with respect. Everyone has an important part to play.

We respect and welcome the diversity of our colleagues’ background and their different skill sets. We take our people’s safety and wellbeing seriously. We embrace and value talent and those who want to make a difference rather than simply gravitating to people similar to ourselves.

We nurture and mentor less experienced colleagues and assist them in building their skills and advancing their careers. We stand up for our team-mates if we believe they’re being ignored, disrespected or unfairly treated, making sure their efforts are properly acknowledged.

We treat others concerns as our own, responding quickly, never ignoring or dismissing matters that are important to others.

We always enjoy and openly celebrate the successes of our team mates and company.

Our aim is to foster and build long-lasting, trusting and mutually beneficial relationships with our team mates, winery partners, suppliers and customers.


Go for it!

  Our people don’t need to be babysat. We want them free to be themselves and to make their own decisions within an agreed upon framework.

We encourage our people to work smart, to make a difference and to inspire others.

We encourage our people to take on extra responsibility and have the confidence to have a go.

We want them to take calculated risks and, if they get it wrong, they will not be berated but be encouraged to learn from their mistakes.

We expect good, important decision-making every day, at all levels, to allow people to grow and make a difference.


Talk the talk, Walk the walk...

  We are always conscious of our promise to hold all of our colleagues to the highest standards of behaviour.
We communicate clearly about what is expected and are always unafraid to ask for further clarity if we are unsure. We ensure the right people receive the acknowledgment for great performance while, at the same time being prepared to own our own mistakes.


Together we fly...

  We’re proud to be part of a winning team and push ourselves to be the best team players we can be.

We share information openly with all our colleagues and believe the best decisions come from collaboration. Diverse views from different people with a variety of experience are the parts that if brought together lead to the best decisions.

We believe that the best way to collaborate and make good quick decisions is when a selected individual takes ownership of each and every important decision. After consultation, the appointed person makes their call but ensures those involved all understand the reason behind their decision, especially those who may hold a different view. Explanation in place, everyone commits to make it work.

We encourage our people to offer a view of areas of the business beyond their own. Solutions often become clearer from a distance than when you’re immersed in it. To this end we are interested and make time to listen, nurture, and embrace different perspectives from across the company.

Every person in every position young or experienced has something important to contribute.


Today’s plan: Tomorrow...

  Change is the only constant, so we make our decisions based on the future, not just looking after today.
We are curious and continually challenge the status quo exploring new and better ways to do things. We are not worried that we do things differently or if something hasn’t been tried before. We look for new ways to simplify and improve by challenging everything from processes to reports and job roles.

Company First

Mission: Joval

We seek what is best for the company not for ourselves, our department, or friends. The company then has an obligation to care for its people.

When Joval succeeds everybody shares in that win.


These values connect us and sets us apart from many others. They are what we are most proud of, and work hardest to protect and nurture. It is what makes Joval so special.

Our people are important to us above all else.

Every connection with one another, our customers, our winery partners, or our broader community all hold equal value.

We are driven to make a difference.

We love to win and often do but never by sacrificing our values.

If Joval sounds like a place that suits you and you believe you can add value and build a future
for yourself, we’d love to hear from you.

Check out our current roles here. We are always on the hunt for great people!

If you don’t see a role that suits you, you can also express your interest in working for the
company here and we will be in touch if there’s a suitable role

Vicky Ly





We recognise it's not all about us. We have a role to play in the broader community and encourage all our employees to participate in causes that our team have selected and feel passionate about.

In addition to our individual financial contributions, we encourage our people to give their time and contribute by matching their fundraising initiatives dollar for dollar. As a business we are proud supporters of:

redkite offers essential support to young people diagnosed with cancer, and support to their families, from the moment of diagnosis throughout treatment and beyond. As a family owned business, relationships are central to everything we do making this partnership an important and natural fit with our core values.


Oz Harvest Australia’s leading food rescue charity. They collect quality surplus food, distribute it to people in need and divert food waste from landfill.

As a primary producer we are concerned about the environmental impact of food waste. Our selection of Oz Harvest stems not only from our connection to food through the hospitality industry but also an opportunity to support our donations with volunteering from within our team.


Clean up Australia day is Australia’s largest community based environmental event. What started as a simple Australian idea, has now expanded into 120 countries with an estimated 35 million people annually taking part. With our people across Australia, many take part within their local communities to help support this great Australian initiative.

 Joval Wines also aspires to play our part and try and minimise our impact on the global environment.

We aim to maximise the effective use of resources throughout our operations whilst providing outstanding products and services to our staff, customers, and stakeholders.

We have an employee that drives and manages a multitude of activities to assist us to reduce our global footprint.

See the Joval Wines Report here
See the Joval Wines Performance Summary here
See the Joval Wines Action Plan here

Values & Beliefs


We’ve consciously and collectively built a culture that’s central to who we are and how we like to work. It’s an approach where great results are important but how we achieve those results is of equal importance.

We’re geared to succeed and grow but also to having fun on the journey in an environment that’s both stimulating and inspiring. We love to win and often do, but never by sacrificing our values.

How do we do this? We start with authenticity, care, empathy and passion. We take these core values and apply them to all our people, in every role and at every level. We genuinely care for our customers, brands, our mission, our team-mates and ourselves.

If you’re keen to find out more, and what really sets us apart, continue.

Trust & Integrity

Straight Talking...

  Trust is not a given. We earn trust through our actions. This is why we like straight talking.
In order to build trust, we give and expect to receive professional, constructive and continuous feedback from everyone across the organisation, regardless of what position they hold in the company, even if it’s uncomfortable to do so. We want open conversation. It’s not about what people want to hear, it’s about what we think is right. It’s also about questioning decisions or actions that we think might detrimentally impact the business, or our integrity, regardless of who’s responsible or their position in the company.

My family decided to sell the winery, so I bought the wine distribution side of the business which was the beginning of Joval for my family. So, on our journey, we have been involved in every area of the wine business from grape growing and wine production to distribution and retail. That knowledge and experience was the spark for Joval. We love, appreciate and understand fine wine and it remains our focus in this on-going family story, that started with my father, a racing car and an optimism for the future.

Empathy & Respect

Not me, Not you, Us...

  All our people, regardless of their role in the business, are treated with respect. Everyone has an important part to play.
We respect and welcome the diversity of our colleagues’ background and their different skill sets. We take our people’s safety and wellbeing seriously. We embrace and value talent and those who want to make a difference rather than simply gravitating to people similar to ourselves.

We nurture and mentor less experienced colleagues and assist them in building their skills and advancing their careers. We stand up for our team-mates if we believe they’re being ignored, disrespected or unfairly treated, making sure their efforts are properly acknowledged.

We treat others concerns as our own, responding quickly, never ignoring or dismissing matters that are important to others.

We always enjoy and openly celebrate the successes of our team mates and company.

Our aim is to foster and build long-lasting, trusting and mutually beneficial relationshipswith our team mates, winery partners, suppliers and customers.


Go for it!

  Our people don’t need to be babysat. We want them free to be themselves and to make their own decisions within an agreed upon framework.
We encourage our people to work smart, to make a difference and to inspire others.

We encourage our people to take on extra responsibility and have the confidence to have a go.

We want them to take calculated risks and, if they get it wrong, they will not be berated but be encouraged to learn from their mistakes.

We expect good, important decision-making every day, at all levels, to allow people to grow and make a difference.


Talk the talk, Walk the walk...

  We are always conscious of our promise to hold all of our colleagues to the highest standards of behaviour.
We communicate clearly about what is expected and are always unafraid to ask for further clarity if we are unsure. We ensure the right people receive the acknowledgment for great performance while, at the same time being prepared to own our own mistakes.


Together we fly...

  We’re proud to be part of a winning team and push ourselves to be the best team players we can be.  
We share information openly with all our colleagues and believe the best decisions come from collaboration. Diverse views from different people with a variety of experience are the parts that if brought together lead to the best decisions.

We believe that the best way to collaborate and make good quick decisions is when a selected individual takes ownership of each and every important decision. After consultation, the appointed person makes their call but ensures those involved all understand the reason behind their decision, especially those who may hold a different view. Explanation in place, everyone commits to make it work.

We encourage our people to offer a view of areas of the business beyond their own. Solutions often become clearer from a distance than when you’re immersed in it. To this end we are interested and make time to listen, nurture, and embrace different perspectives from across the company.

Every person in every position young or experienced has something important to contribute.


Today’s plan: Tomorrow...

  Change is the only constant, so we make our decisions based on the future, not just looking after today.  
We are curious and continually challenge the status quo exploring new and better ways to do things. We are not worried that we do things differently or if something hasn’t been tried before. We look for new ways to simplify and improve by challenging everything from processes to reports and job roles.

The Journey So Far
It began with an Italian racing car driver,
alighting on Australian shores to make his
home in this new world.


My father migrated from Italy to Australia in 1952. That’s him in the picture in the famous Mille Miglia race in his then home country in Italy.

He came to Australia to quickly earn enough money to return to Italy and buy a new racing car that would make him go faster.

He never sat still, always looking ahead, wanting to improve and get better in everything
he did.

After a short stint on a production line in Collingwood making Cherry Ripes he landed a job at a liquor and grocery store called Agostinos. My father soon after began importing Italian foods for the shop.

 He helped turn that shop into a treasure trove of Italian food and wine serving the new Australians who many had arrived as assisted immigrants from Italy.
Products that were unavailable in Australia at the time e.g. mineral water, olive oil, anchovies, pasta, tinned tuna, olives, salami, parmesan cheese. They also sourced bulk table wines from Rutherglen, packaging them into flagons from behind their 1st shop in Swanston St. Melbourne.

His plans changed. He and his two brothers then purchased the shop from the owner. The money he was saving for his racing car went into his first investment in Australia.

He always knew that Australians would one day grow to love those products, and they did.

When an Australian would sheepishly walk into one of dad’s shops, my father would relish the opportunity to greet them, make them feel comfortable, and taste products with them, proudly explaining why he loved these products, and how he was sure they would to.

  My father was quick to spot an opportunity and had a
genius for seeing the road ahead.

He and his brothers went on to operate a chain of grocery and liquor stores across Melbourne.

The 3 brothers then started creating their own brands like Sirena tuna as well as representing leading Italian food brands like Lavazza coffee and Sasso olive oil.

They then moved into wholesaling and opened up new markets throughout Australia.

In 1963 they moved the wine production into a separate production facility, which they called Dorado.

  The family purchased a winery in 1979 and relocated the wine production into the winery.

Shortly afterwards they sold most of their shops to focus on their new ventures and their emerging wholesale and brand business.

  At the age of 24 with no knowledge of wine, I jumped at the opportunity to move into the families new winery and try to make my own mark.

After 12 years of hard work, we grew the winery from a 75 tonne crush to over 3500 tonnes.

  That’s when Dad and his two brothers received an offer to buy the winery and they decided to sell.

It seemed like I was back to square one and didn’t know what I was going to do next.

At this same time, the new owners of the winery, and my family, had little interest in continuing to run a loss making wine distribution company, then called Dorado, whose main activity had become the distribution of wines including the families wineries products.

  I felt there was more for me to do in wine, and I also felt it was time to start my own journey. I purchased the wine distribution company from my family in 1993. That was the beginning of my own family’s wine journey.

Dad’s journey in business was mainly in food. My journey has increasingly focused on wine.

I knew little about how to run a successful wine distribution business, but I felt I knew a hell of a lot about wineries and what they wanted from their distributors.

I knew good distribution was the critical link in the chain. Vital to build great wine brands. My hope was, if we were to build something special we would be fairly recognised and make some money to make our efforts worthwhile.

The manager, the sales manager of Dorado, its accountant, and myself, were the foundation of our new company. We were a team of six people in Victoria only, as we closed our small office in Sydney.

Looking back, we were very well prepared for the next chapter. The three of us had complementary skills and each had been involved in every area of the wine business from grape growing, wine production, sales, marketing, distribution services, logistics, retail and restaurants.

  Driving everything was a passion for building great wine brands and a belief of what they needed from their distribution partner to succeed.

We opened offices in other states in Australia, initially through partnerships and strategic alliances, then over time we set up our own offices or bought back those businesses.

We were on the go and in a hurry, driven by a belief that there was no middle ground, we had to build something special or we would fail.

  We now own and run our distribution business in every state in Australia and have a partnership in NZ. We also make our own wines, have our own wine glass company called Plumm and King and Godfree is still part of the family.
  My father was my university. I observed how he fought his battles, listened to his stories, watched closely how he operated. Many things he taught me now embody the values and beliefs of Joval.


Philanthropy and Sustainability


We recognise it's not all about us. We have a role to play in the broader community and encourage all our employees to participate in causes that our team have selected and feel passionate about.

In addition to our individual financial contributions, we encourage our people to give their time and contribute by matching their fundraising initiatives dollar for dollar. As a business we are proud supporters of:

redkite offers essential support to young people diagnosed with cancer, and support to their families, from the moment of diagnosis throughout treatment and beyond. As a family owned business, relationships are central to everything we do making this partnership an important and natural fit with our core values.


Oz Harvest Australia’s leading food rescue charity. They collect quality surplus food, distribute it to people in need and divert food waste from landfill.

As a primary producer we are concerned about the environmental impact of food waste. Our selection of Oz Harvest stems not only from our connection to food through the hospitality industry but also an opportunity to support our donations with volunteering from within our team.


Clean up Australia day is Australia’s largest community based environmental event. What started as a simple Australian idea, has now expanded into 120 countries with an estimated 35 million people annually taking part. With our people across Australia, many take part within their local communities to help support this great Australian initiative.

 Joval Wines also aspires to play our part and try and minimise our impact on the global environment.

We aim to maximise the effective use of resources throughout our operations whilst providing outstanding products and services to our staff, customers, and stakeholders.

We have an employee that drives and manages a multitude of activities to assist us to reduce our global footprint.

See the Joval Wines Report here
See the Joval Wines Performance Summary here
See the Joval Wines Action Plan here



Arrivals Event


Arrivals Event


TeMata Executive Dinner


Shaw + Smith Shiraz Workshop


Mezzanine TFWS Other Wine Company Visit


Joval Xmas Party


Joval Xmas Party


Hickenbotham Masterclass


Giant Steps Vic Team Visit


Felton Road Trade Lunch


Hilary and Sally's 25yr Anniversary


Clovis Tattinger Visit

June 2022

Joval Thank You Dinner

June 2022

Joval Thank You Dinner

June 2022

State Sales Managers Conference

June 2022

State Sales Managers Conferenc

June 2022

State Sales Managers Conference

May 2022

Plumm Team

May 2020

Super Sunday at Nanny Goat Vineyard

May 2020

Super Sunday at Nanny Goat Vineyard

May 2020

Super Sunday at Nanny Goat Vineyard


Many of our winery partners like red+white's Oliver's Taranga sent our teams care (wine) packs to get them through lockdown and COVID restrictions. We're all in it together.

August 2020

Due to COVID, the teams have had to adapt quickly to the shift in winery partner visits and training. Thank you Microsoft Teams!

August 2020

The recent restaurant restrictions have seen our teams spend more and more time in retail outlets showing off their visual merchandising skills.

July 2020

During COVID restrictions we launched restaurantrevival.com.au – a website housing a suite of initiatives geared to support restaurants with resources and cash injections.

July 2020

One of our unsung heroes Adrian Williams in our National Accounts team celebrates his 15 year anniversary with the Joval Wine Group.

April 2020

Paying homage to the legendary Don Lewis. The wine industry lost a true gem when Don passed in 2017. Lucky for us, his legacy lives on in the beautiful wines of Tar & Roses, exquisitely crafted by Narelle King.

April 2020

Snow falling near the Nanny Goat Vineyard this week, but vintage 2020 in Central Otago is looking great.

April 2020

You’ve heard of remote working but the Mezzanine TFWS team are now remote dining. All in aid of supporting our hospitality friends through this tough time.

April 2020

The Catalina Sounds guys putting the ‘remote’ in remote working all the way from the vineyard in Marlborough.

March 2020

Mezzanine TFWS QLD State Manager Gae Grant, Ghanem Group Sommelier Penny Grant and Antoine Heurtier, Emporium Hotel Sommelier at the Nanny Goat Vineyard Benchmark Tasting.

March 2020

Getting our hands dirty (albeit with gloves) and helping to keep Australia beautiful. The SA, WA, NSW, VIC and QLD offices all took part in Clean Up Australia.

March 2020

It’s International Women’s Day and we are one of the few wine companies whose management team is predominately female.


Happy Australia Day Everyone! To mark the occassion, the Vic office held an Aussie BBQ with all proceeds going to the Victorian Bushfire relief Fund (Australian Red Cross & RSPCA). $470 was raised in total!


The VIC team enjoy a post ARRIVALS drink.

March 2020

Our Sydney team cooking up 120 delicious meals for those in need and learning more about the great work


Melbourne! We’re here and ready to pour. So many of our great imported brands will be joining us at ARRIVALS trade tasting event


The New South Wales team helping out at @ozharvest. OzHarvest is a food rescue charity that collects excess food from businesses and delivers it directly to more than 1300 charities.


Milly doing her thing for Urban Wine Walk.

January 2020

Sally McGill enjoyed a comprehensive tasting of some very special Graci wines whilst visiting Alberto Graci (L) and Riccardo Negri (R) in Etna, Sicily over January.

January 2020

Meet Rising Wines new winemaker Anthony Fikkers. He’s worked with some winemaking heavies… looking forward to what he brings to v20.⁠

January 2020

Great pic of sales team on last day for @tash_johns 😢

January 2020

Happy 20th Birthday to our mates at @whistlerwines. These Barossa stalwarts have been grape growing and making wine for four generations.


Haylee Nicholls and Manu Fidel at ‘The Sauce’ Event.


Will Gilbert’s visit in December 2019. Gilbert Family Wines is a new brand to red+white.


Perth team Christmas lunch 2019.


Finance Team winning our People’s Choice Award for Best Film at the JWG annual short film festival.


The tech services team get together for some bare foot bowls action.

November 2019

To our friends Martin and Michael, congratulations on 30 wonderful years of Shaw and Smith.

November 2019

Cracking day for a Catalina Sounds vintage lunch with the NSW team and customers.

OCTOBERober 2019

Launching the Plumm Three - The Sommelier Series. Our newest range of elegant European crystal wine glasses.

OCTOBERober 2019

Narelle King from Tar & Roses wins the Pinot Grigio Trophy at the Royal Melbourne Wine Awards.

OCTOBERober 2019

The Royal Melbourne Wine Awards... all poured in Plumm Wineglasses (4209 glasses to be exact!).

OCTOBERober 2019

The new Nanny Goat Cellar Door is open!


Melbourne RedKite Corporate Trivia night.


Felton Road Masterclass with Blair Walter.


Tasting some new Luigi Einaudi wines from Barolo with their export manager Nick Bielak.

August 2019

Joval team attending and representing us at the RedKite Corporate Trivia night in Brisbane.

August 2019

The Sydney team took part in City to Surf and raised over $15,000 for the Sydney Children Hospital.

August 2019

The Queensland team aims to raise $10,000 for cancer diagnosis.

July 2019

Masterclass at our Sydney Wanderlust tasting event.

July 2019

AIX tasting at our Wanderlust event in Victoria.

July 2019

The WA team visit the Dal Zotto Restaurant in the King Valley, Victoria.

June 2019

Christian, Otto and Michael Dal Zotto, winners of the Halliday Dark Horse Winery of the Year 2020 award.

June 2019

Cullen Winemaker Andy Barrett-Lennard, Chief Winemaker and Managing Director Vanya Cullen and Viticulturist Matt Dermody accepting their Halliday Winemaker of the Year award.

June 2019

State representatives of MTFWS celebrating Halliday award wins with Peter Fraser of Yangarra, Cullen Viticulturist Matt Dermody, Chief Winemaker and Managing Director Vanya Cullen and Winemaker Andy Barrett-Lennard.

May 2019

Give it up for our 2019 Christmas in July bad sweater top 4! Congratulations to Paul, Rupert, Bel and Elloit.

May 2019

The team up at Rieslingfreak celebrating their 10-year anniversary.

May 2019

Great shot from the Shaw and Smith 30th Vintage Yum Cha.

April 2019

Champagne Louis Roederer winemaker Jean-Baptiste Lecaillon showcasing their superb Cuvées with our red+white SA team.

April 2019

Shaw + Smith 30th Vintage Yum Cha and the release of the 2019 Shaw + Smith Sauvignon Blanc.

April 2019

James Tomkins, one of our greatest Olympians and above all a great person, joins us for an inspirational talk.

March 2019

We’re pleased to be releasing this week the hotly anticipated 2017 M3 Chardonnay and 2018 Pinot Noir from @shawandsmith.

March 2019

W E L C O M E @nickolearywines to the Mezzanine The Fine Wine Specialist portfolio in VIC, QLD, SA & WA!

March 2019

The passing last weekend of our great friend Colin Campbell after a short illness marks the end of an outstanding era of achievement in the wine industry.

January 2019

Laurent Fédou Canard-Duchêne Chef de Caves catching up with some of our favourite customers.

January 2019

Our NSW Mezzanine TFWS Women in Wine.

January 2019

Jason from Black Cottage Wines hitting the road in Brissie.


Contact Us


Level 3,
436 Johnston Street,
VIC 3067


Level 4,
51 Berry Street,
North Sydney,
NSW 2026


Suite 2,
47 Park Road,
QLD 4064


99 Maud Street,
SA 5061


215 Liverpool Street,
TAS 7000


21 Southport Street,
West Leederville,
WA 6007

Joval Wine of School



Joval Wines are delighted to announce the arrival of
the Joval School of Wine!

This initiative reflects our commitment to providing
comprehensive and innovative wine education and training solutions for our customers.

Our focus is simple;
to deliver impactful programs that not only enhance wine confidence
but also contribute to individual and business growth within our dynamic industry.

How we do it?

JSOW is uniquely positioned to deliver WSET® Award in Wines Levels 1-3.

We can schedule courses for your staff at a time that aligns with your business, ensure the content covered is applicable to the broader hospitality industry and support theoretical and wine tasting training with 'hands-on' practical experience in the vineyard and winery.

Enlightened, knowledgeable staff are well equipped to make informed wine recommendations enhancing the customer experience and leading to increased wine sales.

The Joval School of Wine is a natural evolution for Joval Wines, a family business with a rich history of almost 50 years in providing tailored wine solutions for our valued customers.

Contact us at JSOW@joval.com.au

Meet your facilitators!

*if you have a group of 8 or more we are happy to customise a course
outside of the published dates

Contact us at JSOW@joval.com.au


Our staff completed their WSET 2 with Joval in December 2023. Hilary was able to pitch the course to the various levels of experience with wine and made everyone feel comfortable to discuss their tasting notes. Her knowledge of the course was excellent and any questions we had that she may not have had the answer to immediately she researched and got back to us. The set-up and environment were comfortable for the 3 days of study. I would seek out this course for future staff training.

Thank you Hilary. Georgia Roberts, owner Restaurant NaviYarraville Victoria

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